Tips for Helping Your Young Athlete Avoid a Traumatic Mouth Injury

Tips for Helping Your Young Athlete Avoid a Traumatic Mouth Injury

No doubt playing sports offers some big benefits for kids, but it also poses some risks to their oral health. As many as 40% of dental injuries happen during sports, so it makes sense to do all you can to help your child prevent them.

Compassionate Endodontists New York/NYC in New York City provides state-of-the-art oral health treatment and urgent care services for kids and adults, including student athletes of all ages. In this month’s blog, learn some simple steps you can take to help your child avoid traumatic mouth and tooth injuries when sports season ramps up this school year.

Invest in a mouthguard

Wearing a mouthguard may not be required by your child’s sports team, but you should encourage it. A mouthguard is designed to protect your child’s teeth from common traumatic tooth injuries, such as:

Because a mouthguard plays such a key protective role, choose a custom device specifically designed to fit snugly over your child’s teeth.

Get the right equipment

In addition to a mouthguard, most sports require other protective equipment, too. Youth sports organizations provide lists of required protective equipment, such as shin guards, gloves, or face protectors, to reduce the risk of injuries. 

Be sure you select the right equipment for your child’s sport, and make sure the equipment fits properly. Fit is crucial for avoiding injuries, and it’s aimportant factor to consider if you’re using secondhand equipment, where the fit might not be ideal.

Emphasize proper technique

Every sport requires plenty of practice to learn the best moves. Those techniques can make your child a better player and help them avoid injury.

Ensure your child attends practice sessions and asks their coach for additional assistance when needed. Warming up before practice and play helps prevent falls and other injuries that can damage their teeth. 

Practice proper oral hygiene

Brushing twice per day, flossing once daily, avoiding sugary snacks and drinks (including sports drinks), and eating a nutrient-dense diet are all important for maintaining healthy, strong teeth and a beautiful smile.

Take your child in for regular dental visits

Twice-yearly dental visits are essential for maintaining healthy teeth, too. Plus, those visits allow your child’s dentist to spot potential issues in their earliest stages when they’re more easily treated.

If your child winds up with a traumatic mouth injury, call the office and seek urgent care immediately. Call 929-229-0255 or book an appointment online at Compassionate Endodontists New York/NYC in New York City today.

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