Eradicate Bacteria with Ozone Therapy

Most of us know ozone as that unusually fresh, almost metallic smell that permeates the air after a thunderstorm, or as a layer of the atmosphere that protects us from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. But almost no one thinks of ozone as a therapy used during dental treatments.
At Compassionate Endodontists New York/NYC, our team uses ozone therapy as a powerful, painless, bacteria-killing therapy to support optimal oral health. Here, learn what ozone therapy is, how it works, and what role it might play in your treatment plan.
Ozone 101
Ozone is a gas that’s made up of three oxygen molecules. Normally, oxygen features two molecules; the addition of a third makes ozone “unstable,” causing it to react aggressively with other substances — including bacteria.
Ozone is well-known as a disinfectant for surface bacteria and bacteria in water supplies. In dental treatment, ozone gas targets and destroys harmful bacteria while making your mouth a less hospitable environment for bacteria to grow and thrive.
During ozone therapy at our practice, we administer the gas through a special device designed to target infected tissue precisely. This differs from another common gas used in dentistry — “laughing” gas — which is inhaled through a mask. Ozone treatment is quick and completely painless, providing an immediate benefit without harming healthy tissue (and without causing the drowsiness that occurs with laughing gas).
Ozone therapy for better oral health
Our team uses ozone therapy for specific oral health concerns based on each patient’s unique needs.
Cavities happen when a weak area in your enamel allows bacteria to penetrate the inner layers of your tooth. Often, these bacteria are found in the plaque film that covers your tooth surfaces.
When plaque isn’t removed consistently and effectively, those bacteria release acids that weaken enamel, enabling them to enter the tooth and cause decay. Ozone therapy helps treat cavities and even prevent further decay by targeting those bacteria and destroying them to protect your teeth and halt decay.
Gum disease
Also called periodontal disease, gum disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss in the United States. Gum disease occurs when bacteria along the gum line irritate the gum tissue, causing it to pull away from tooth surfaces. This creates tiny passages that allow bacteria to migrate down the tooth surface, causing gum recession, infection, and eventually, tooth loss.
Ozone therapy can be very effective in managing gum disease and preventing complications. When applied to the tissue at or just below your gumline, ozone destroys bacteria and halts gum disease in its tracks.
Root canal therapy
Root canal therapy treats deep decay and infection inside the central pulp portion of a tooth. Ozone therapy can play an essential role in root canal treatment by targeting hard-to-reach bacteria and eliminating them to halt infection while preserving surrounding healthy tooth material.
More benefits of ozone treatment
In addition to eliminating bacteria, ozone supports optimal healing, reduces inflammation, minimizes tooth sensitivity, and remineralizes tooth enamel to strengthen teeth and protect your future oral health.
To learn more about ozone treatment and how it can help you enjoy beautifully healthy smiles, call 929-229-0255 or book an appointment online at Compassionate Endodontists New York/NYC in New York City today.
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